For this project, we were asked to use our dissertation as content and inspiration for an editorial design.

Within my dissertation, I aimed at addressing the issue of body image ideals, but more specifically discussed how the design industry represents these ideals and how they can negatively impact society. Throughout my thesis, I focussed on the most common ideals, which is body weight, large breasts, small waist, head hair and lack of body hair. With this in mind, I knew that I wanted to visually convey those subjects the most within my editorial. In full, the title was - ‘An investigation into the representation of body image ideals: to what extent does the design industry have a negative impact on society?’. With the knowledge that I am particularly investigating into the design industry’s representations of body image ideals, my aim was to replicate the way in which these industries exploit the issue within their own designs. Therefore, imagery of slim, hairless bodied individuals is represented throughout my own editorial.
Overall, I intended on playing with the idea of ‘highlighting’ as the industry are guilty of drawing too much attention to body image ideals. As you can see, I used a bright yellow (similar to a highlighter) in order to bring certain images and text to the viewers focus. All of the imagery has been edited to seem harsh and chaotic. This was done intentionally as a way to represent how the issue can cause stress and anxiety among society. I wanted to ensure that each image connected well with the content discussed, therefore I attempted to design the imagery so they could individually tell a story.
This project was by far one of my favourites to do and I really think it shows. I was so passionate about bringing the content to life while also keeping it stylish and sophisticated. I'd love to do more editorials in future as I really feel a confidence in this area of design.​​​​​​​
Front Cover
Front Cover
Page 2-3
Page 2-3
Page 4-5
Page 4-5
Page 6-7
Page 6-7
Page 8-9
Page 8-9
Page 10-11
Page 10-11

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